We take care of the paperwork for you
MEND|RX services are covered by most health care plans. Most of these plans cover a large percentage of the cost, sometimes up to 80-100%.
In partnership with:
Direct Billing
Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy and Fascial Stretch Therapy (billed as massage therapy) services can be directly billed to your insurance provider.
Providers Include: Blue Cross - MBC/VAC/RCMP/CAF - Johnson group Inc - Great West Life - Manulife - Sunlife - Greenshield - Chambers of Commerce Group - Group Source - First Canadian - CINUP - Cowan - Desjardins - Group Health - Industrial Alliance - Johnson Inc - Manion - Maximum Benefits
Employer Extended Health Plans / Benefits
MEND|RX services are covered by most health care insurance plans. If your insurance company allows direct billing and payment we will look after the billing for you. If your insurance company does not allow direct billing, you can pay the clinic at the time of treatment, and submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. We are happy to assist with this process.
For any treatments partially covered, you may be asked to co-pay the difference at each visit.
Motor Vehicle Accident Coverage
Most auto insurance companies require that your claim be placed through your extended health plan first. Any remaining balances for services can then be covered by your auto insurance plan. On your first visit, you may be asked to provide information about your extended health plan. If you do not have extended health care benefits which covers therapy, your treatments may be billed directly through your auto insurance company.
For more questions about treatment fees and/or payment options, please contact us. We are always happy to help.